
Discover the programme

This year’s Brain Innovation Days event centred around Connecting Brains; bringing together the current and future generations of brain research and innovation. 

The focus of the 2022 event was to enable space and opportunity for open discussion and showcasing, prioritising matchmaking and networking within the community, particularly of stakeholders who may not have the opportunity to connect in their day-to-day.

Masters of Ceremony

Bettina Hausmann

Bettina Hausmann is an international executive trainer and facilitator, helping senior professionals with their strategic positioning, stakeholder outreach and resilience. She has longstanding experience teaming up with Key Opinion Leaders, medical directors, business executives, healthcare professionals, heads of patient organizations and patients from all over the world and across disease-areas: from running media and crisis training sessions via moderating events through to overseeing patient advocacy campaigns.

Bettina knows first-hand how it is to live with a chronic condition. Bettina currently supports an international coalition of advocacy groups in leveraging communications to make neurology a global political priority. She is also the former interim CEO of the European Multiple Sclerosis platform.

German by origin, Bettina has been living in Brussels for over two decades. Her main working languages are English, French, Spanish and German.


Usman Khan

Usman is a health policy and management professional with more than 25 years experience. In the last decade he has held senior leadership roles in the UK and abroad including that as Executive Director of the European Health Management Association and the European Patients Forum. He is currently a Senior Advisor at the Good Governance Institute, a UK based consultancy and at FIPRA International, a Brussels based European public affairs consultancy. Usman holds three non-executive positions being the Chair of the Motor Neurone Disease Association, an Independent Governor at London Metropolitan University, and an NHS Independent Non-Executive Director at North Central London Integrated Care Board. Usman is also Visiting Professor in Health Management and Policy at KU Leuven, Belgium and teaches at New York University (London). He is a regular public speaker and writer on health policy matters and author most recently of Health Management 2.0 (Emerald Publishing).

Please note that this is a provisional programme which may still be subject to change.